What is WeCare?

What is WeCare?
The WeCaRE (Wellbeing, Conditions and Rota Evaluation) Framework is a practical process designed to improve the working conditions for doctors in training within NHS Scotland.
This framework builds upon the Professionalism Compliance Analysis Tool (PCAT) and presents a structured process to meaningfully enhance the quality of training environments.
Your rota may be “compliant” but does it provide high quality training? Does your work environment support wellbeing and ultimately the delivery of safe patient care? Are some of your colleagues at risk of burn out?
WeCaRE provides you with the tools to address these issues.

How do I actually apply the WeCaRE framework to my department?
The WeCaRE framework consists of five stages: Planning, Listening, Sharing, Creating Change, and Finishing.
1. Planning
- Form the team, including representation from Service Leads, Training Leads, and a Doctors in Training Representative.
- Develop a shared vision and document it.
- Set a schedule, survey questions, and gather contextual data.
2. Listening
- Run a survey with agreed-upon questions for doctors in training – what issues are affecting your team?
- Conduct additional conversations to understand what matters to participants.
3. Sharing
- Collate and analyse survey results.
- Present results transparently to the entire team, encouraging reflection and comment.
- Initiate brainstorming for improvement ideas.
4. Creating Change
- Discuss and form project groups for the top three change ideas.
- Use a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model for quality improvement.
- Schedule regular reviews of project group progress.
5. Finishing:
- Repeat the survey using the same questions.
- Review and present the results, noting any changes.
- Seek feedback on the process, address challenges, and consider further improvements.

My rota is fine, can this be used to address other issues?
Yes! WeCaRE is about more than just rotas. It’s about whatever pebbles are in your shoes, whatever is affecting the quality of training and wellbeing in your department. A wide range of change ideas have been brought about by WeCaRE, including weekly team coffees, online rota, schedule for ward rounds, ensuring all doctors have time in clinic to name a few!

How long does it take to run through a WeCaRE cycle?
The entire process takes approximately five months, incorporating the implementation of improvement ideas during this timeframe.

Is it expensive?
No! WeCaRE is a low cost intervention. The information and resources are all freely available and you will be helped through the process by someone who has previous experience of WeCaRE. Barring any expenses associated with your specific change ideas there is no expected expenditure.

What do I need to do this in my department?
You need some committed colleagues and good departmental buy in. The process works best when there is buy-in across the department from doctors in training, consultants and management. You will need some time to meet together at the various stages of the project. Expect to sacrifice a few lunch times.

How do I get started?
Contact me Jessica.boston3@nhs.scot and I will share the WeCaRE resource pack and can schedule a chat to help get you started.

Jessica Boston
Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellow
West of Scotland Ophthalmology Trainee

What is WeCare?