Medical Careers Team Evening Webinars

Medical Careers Team Evening Webinars
Throughout 2024 the Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service, Medical Careers Team is running a series of evening webinars aimed at helping both trainees and trainers plan their Careers, and also to support their professional development.
You can find out more about the content of each session, and also register for the webinars, by clicking the links in the attached flyer. These will run approximately once a month from 5pm – 6pm and while we have indicated the most relevant target audience, all are welcome. Please note that there will also be drop in ‘Ask the APGD” session for 30 minutes before each webinar so if you have any general Careers questions, please use this time to get in touch.

- Monday 22 January - Introduction to Career Coaching
- Tuesday 27 February - Preparing for Specialty Interviews
- Wednesday 27 March - Role Modelling in Career Decisions
- Thursday 25 April - Which Specialty Suits Me?
- Monday 20 May - Help! I think I am in the wrong specialty
- Tuesday 18 June - Portfolio Careers
- Wednesday 25 September - Careers and health – how they interact
- Thursday 24 October - Career planning approaching CCT
- Monday 18 November - Working Less than Full Time
- Tuesday 17 December - Returning to Work after a break

If you have any questions, please contact the Medical Careers Team at We hope you see you there!

Medical Careers Team Evening Webinars