Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service (TDWS)

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service (TDWS)
In November 2022 the Scotland Deanery launched the Trainee Development and Wellbeing service. The service aims to offer a holistic, accessible, and equitable service which empowered all doctors in training in Scotland to achieve their full potential. The service offers a variety of options, such as advice on Careers and less than full time training, as well as more general support for doctors in training across Scotland.
In the first year the service has received over 1000 contacts from doctors in training and trainers on a wide variety of subjects. When a contact form is received, the team may be able to answer queries or put you in touch with the most appropriate person in the Deanery to assist you. Often an appointment will be offered to doctors in training with one of our Associate Postgraduate Deans (APGDs) who work within the service. These APGDs are not linked to the delivery of training programmes or ARCPs so can provide independent confidential support. We always encourage doctors in training to share information with their trainers, to enable them to offer support, but interaction with the trainee development & wellbeing service can remain confidential if the doctor involved wishes.
Further information, and an opportunity to ‘meet the team’ can be found on our web pages. There you’ll find some high-level information on topics the service is working on. These include improving experiences for doctors starting or returning to work, supporting wellbeing and interpersonal and communication skills. The service can also provide advice on topics like dyslexia screening and support for anxiety that is impacting exams or experience of training. On the welcome page for the service there is a contact us form which can be completed by doctors in training or trainers who wish to make an enquiry.
Looking ahead, the service will be considering how best to support doctors in training with confirmed or suspected neurodivergence, building on the recommendations of the COPMeD task & finish group. We are already able to access some external services such as workplace coaching and dyslexia screening but want to explore what further improvements can be made to ensure all doctors can have a positive experience during training.

If you have a query, or would like any further information about the service, please complete a contact form on our webpage or email us at

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service (TDWS)