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What’s new in the PSM?


Registration and Log In

As mentioned in the Autumn newsletter the registration and log in requirements for accessing the Practice Support Manual were removed in December 2022. Users now have access to all PSM resources without logging in. Copyright and use of the PSM resources are unchanged.   


Mental Health and Well-being

An invitation to complete a mental health and wellbeing in dental settings survey has recently been emailed to dental professionals. The survey will evaluate the current status of mental health and wellbeing of dental teams across the United Kingdom. The PSM has updated the Health and Wellbeing at work page to include a list of resources where dental team members can access support for mental health and wellbeing.  


Dental Decontamination

The consultation period for the SHTM 01-05, “Management, equipment and process of the decontamination of dental instruments in a Local Decontamination Unit (LDU) in NHSScotland” has closed. Feedback is under review to inform finalising prior to publication.

Part C: Process, which is based on SDCEP’s “Decontamination Into Practice” will replace the current SDCEP guidance. The PSM will be updated to reflect the changes.