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Professor Emma Watson
Executive Medical Director, NES

Welcome to the latest edition of the Deanery newsletter.

We have another bumper newsletter and we focus on careers this month.

Our first article asks us to hold the dates of the 25th and 26th April 2024 for the NES Virtual Conference. This fantastic event goes from strength to strength and even if you can only attend part of it, please make the time to do so.

The next item discusses a rich and varied training journey for Dr. Mia Sheridan who is now a practicing GP. Mia discusses what motivated her to choose GP training and why she loves this career.

Medical Careers Team evenings are about to be launched by our APGDs who look after careers. The next item asks you to please hold these dates in your diary and there will be further information available soon.

Doctors in Training may experience an unforeseen or significant change in their personal circumstances which means they require a transfer out of their current region or Deanery. The next item explains the process for Inter Deanery or Inter Regional Transfers.

Again, on the theme of careers, most trainees embarking on a training programme will progress through the “standard” training pathway; however others may opt to take up a SAS grade post, either in the short-term or as a long-term career option. This article discusses the options available.

Another trainee written article comes next, this time a discussion of a short life working group set to objectively assess the junior medical staff workload and its impact on training. The results are well worth a read.

GPST training in Orkney is the subject of a really engaging video next. Please take a look, you will not be disappointed.

A call to action is next and we have Dr. Priya Sharma who will be sending out a survey on Neurodiversity and Mental Health of trainee Doctors in Scotland in early November. I hope you are able to take the time to give your input.

Our Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellows have been doing some great work recently and Dr. Alice Harpur, former SCLF, takes us through environmental sustainability in the next article and how we can all play our part.

In our final article, Dr. Gillian White discusses her very engaging story of her journey in becoming a junior doctor after starting out in Dentistry.

Please remember to keep submitting articles or suggestions for content.

If you have work you would like to highlight in this newsletter, contact Scotland Deanery.

Professor Emma Watson
Executive Medical Director, NHS Education for Scotland 

Professor Emma Watson
Executive Medical Director, NES