Medical Additional Costs of Training Annual Report 2020-2021

Medical Additional Cost of Teaching (ACT) funding is provided by the Scottish Government to support the additional costs of the clinical teaching of undergraduate (UG) medical students when they are in hospital or GP placements in Health Boards. The management of the distribution of Medical ACT funding is the responsibility of NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and NES distributes funds via the agreed Medical ACT allocation model.
The NES Medical ACT team sits within the Quality Workstream of the Medical Directorate of NES and comprises an APGD clinical lead, the Medical ACT manager, members of the NES finance team and the Medical ACT administrator. The NES Medical ACT Governance Group (MAGG) has oversight of the use of Medical ACT and distribution of Medical ACT funds ensuring that Medical ACT funding delivers value for money and supports the provision of quality undergraduate medical education in Scotland. MAGG is chaired by a Postgraduate Dean responsible for the Quality Work stream or deputy as appropriate.

This report provides an overview of the performance management and distribution of Medical ACT funding during 2020-2021. It details key components of the most recent complete allocation year (2020/2021). It also outlines several new developments and details potential challenges within Medical ACT for the forthcoming year.