Bereavement-Related Educational Resources and Events


‘The Compassionate Space in Bereavement Support’
Thursday 17th February 2022, 12:30 to 13:30
Speaker: Andrew Gillies, Lead for Bereavement Services, NHS Ayrshire & Arran
This session, relevant to those across health and social care, will consider the dimension of compassion in bereavement support. Looking at the outward and inward flow of compassion in relationships, it will explore some helpful ways of navigating the space between supporting others and supporting ourselves in the process.

‘Supporting primary care teams to talk and be with people who are bereaved or experiencing living grief’
The recording and presentation slides for this session which was held on 26th January 2022, are now available on the SAD website.
The SAD website also hosts recordings and resources from other previous NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Bereavement webinars.
Medical Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD)

The Grief & Bereavement team at NES continue to work with the Death Certification Review Service to develop a range of educational materials and learning events to support doctors certifying death. These include:
Completion of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death’ webinar on Tuesday 26th October 2021
To watch the recording of the session and view the slides, please visit the SAD website.
Does COVID-19 constitute a hazard in the deceased person?
New guidance produced by the Death Certification Review Service aimed at doctors involved in certifying death is now available. This covers whether COVID-19 constitutes a hazard in a deceased person when completing the MCCD. View it here.
Documenting Antimicrobial Resistance
A new advice document for doctors involved in certifying death is in development – this will provide guidance on how to complete the MCCD with regard to antimicrobial resistance.
NES Bereavement Conferences

The Changing Face of Bereavement: Providing care and maintaining our own wellbeing during the pandemic
Session recordings from the NES Bereavement conference held on 24th November 2021 will be launching on the SAD website’s 2021 conference webpage over the coming weeks so that health and social care professionals can revisit or catch up on anything they may have missed. Presentation slides are already available to view.
2022 NES Bereavement Education Conference: Thursday 24th November – SAVE THE DATE!
We are delighted to confirm the date for the 2022 virtual Bereavement conference which will again be hosted in late November – more information on the speakers, programme and registration details will follow over the coming months.
Bereavement Quarterly e-Newsletter

The Autumn issue of the NES Bereavement quarterly e-Newsletter was issued in late 2021.
To be kept updated about future conferences and webinars in addition to new educational resources, please sign up here.