Transfer of information – a supportive process

As part of the ongoing work to agree Once for Scotland policies for doctors in training a group was convened to look at Transfer of Information. This is a process designed to facilitate sharing of relevant information between a current supervisor and the department a trainee will rotate to next. The aim of the process is to ensure that doctors in training can rotate smoothly between departments and that any particular arrangements needed to support work or training are put in place early.

The guidance note accompanying the process and form states that it should be used for any trainee:
• that is not currently working a “normal” rota for any reason e.g., health, GMC restrictions (either full time or LTFT). This may involve restrictions to in hours or OOH working - restrictions to the length of shifts, the number of consecutive shifts or the timing of shifts. These restrictions are usually guided by Occupational Health
• who requires Reasonable Adjustments i.e., specialist equipment
• where there may be restrictions to areas of the next post in which they can work.
• who is undertaking an extension to training for performance related reasons.
• who has suffered an adverse event that may impact on their future wellbeing or performance.
• who might benefit from additional support of any kind in their subsequent post, for either performance or pastoral reasons.
• who has had a conduct issue formally raised and upheld during their current post.
Transfer of information forms should be completed with the knowledge and input of the trainee. Full details of the process and the Transfer of Information form can be found here. We would encourage trainers to familiarise themselves with the process and use it where appropriate. We would also encourage trainees to be aware of this process, to input to the completion of any TOI forms being completed to support them, and to ask that a form is completed if they believe it will support their transition.