Thriving in FY1

Thriving in FY1
I don’t think I really knew what to expect from FY1, despite feeling prepared. Of course, there were challenges and even tears, but with that came a lot of great times and laughter too. I think we are lucky to do this broad based, supported role to start our career and it formed a good base for the rest of my training.
Make friends with your fellow FY1s
You are all in it together. Don’t be surprised if you look around in 10 years and these people are still in your life. Go for post work dinner/drinks/walks- debriefing is important and will aid reflection rather than rumination.

There will always be work to do. Take your break and you will be more efficient.

Enjoy your annual leave
Take regular proper breaks to avoid being over tired-it will sneak up on you. Make the most of earning some money!

Ask questions
Learn from other people’s experience and soak in the knowledge of the MDT (everyone can help you). Most people enjoy being asked things! If a request is not clear, please ask- often it is easy to forget you might not have seen or done something before.

Ask for help
Don’t feel alone in any clinical scenario. Often many pairs of hands are needed, and more experienced doctors expect to be involved. Everyone has different strengths too.

Lists, lists and more lists
Being organised makes your life easier - the clipboard might not be the look you envisaged but it will keep you right.

Acknowledge that everything is new
You will see so many things for the first time. Sometimes it feels like a different world- that is ok. Believe me…the senior registrar is also still looking up things on their phone.

Stay on top of portfolio
On call shifts are often a good chance to send assessments as you will be discussing cases regularly. Everyone has a portfolio to do and understands you need forms filled in.

Embrace admin
It can feel like a lot of the job is admin or task based. This is normal and these are important jobs- please remember they are important and challenge yourself to be the best at these bits too!

Enjoy it
Remember “why you wanted to be a doctor” in your uni interview. The time is here now.
You are going to meet so many interesting people- enjoy their stories, you are making use of the skills and knowledge you have gathered - feel proud of that!

Dr Samantha Gaw
Intensive Care Medicine trainee

Thriving in FY1