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New Turas Study Leave App


New Turas Study Leave App

As part of the Scotland Deanery’s ongoing improvement work, we have redeveloped the Turas study leave system. This has been done to improve user experiences, to make authorising study leave easier for our trainers, and to enable better reporting on the use of study leave funding.  

From the 15th of August: 

  • Doctors in training will continue to be able to apply prospectively for study leave, with or without funding, via the new Turas app. 
  • Doctors in training will be able to upload expenses claims via Turas and receive payment, by BACs, directly to their bank account. 
  • Trainers will continue to be able to authorise study leave with funding, without funding, or with partial funding. There will be improved alerts when study leave requests have been submitted. 
  • Trainers will be able to manage their programme budget more easily and without waiting for the study leave support team to issue reports. 

The new system will also improve reporting at a Deanery level, making it easier to identify training delivered via initiatives such as the Internal Medicine Training simulation programme and the Endoscopy training programme. 

The study leave policy will be updated to reflect these system changes. We are confident that the new application will be easy and intuitive to use but the study leave support team are available to answer any questions or provide advice. They can be contacted at If you experience any technical difficulties using the new system, please raise these via the Turas helpdesk.  

New Turas Study Leave App