Study leave
To all Trainees - Study Leave
Trainees must apply for all study leave before they are due to attend as retrospective applications cannot be processed.
Trainee doctors and dentists can apply for funded study leave. The Scotland Deanery operates a national process and system to ensure that all applications for study leave are considered on a fair, equitable and consistent basis.
The Policy and Operational Guide (pdf) was last updated in June 2021. The Deanery have consulted with the BMA who have contributed and support the policy.
Foundation doctors should go to the trainee information for study leave section of the Deanery website for information about Study Leave in Foundation.
Frequently Asked Questions
More information is here:
Trainee information: Study leave
Study leave continues to be available to Doctors in Training and should be requested using our standard process as outlined here
Trainee information: Study leave FAQs
Guidance and advice relating to all aspects of Study leave