New Quality Improvement (Audit) Compliance Requirement for the Dental Team
As you may be aware, compliance with the 2022-25 QI cycle will comprise 3 elements:
- a team based reflective report on the implementation of Determination I;
The purpose of the team-based reflective report is for practices to reflect on the ways in which the introduction of the new Determination I has enabled the practice to further improve the quality of care provided to patients. This exercise will provide practices with a reflective framework which will guide the development of a practice action plan.
One report should be submitted per practice but all members of the dental team, both clinical and non-clinical, should contribute to the reflection. All team members who contribute to the reflection will be eligible for QI hours. Information and guidance on how to undertake the reflection and the template for submitting the report will be available on Turas at:
Quality Improvement Activity | Turas | Learn (
- an equality and diversity training module;
This training module aims to improve the dental teams awareness of issues around Equality and Diversity and should be completed by all individuals. The training module will be available on Turas at:
Quality Improvement Activity | Turas | Learn (
- a practice-level workforce census.
The census, along with guidance on completing it, will be emailed directly to the practice email address on 1 May 2024 and should be completed by 12 June 2024. The census should be completed once per practice, or PDS location, and should provide details of all staff within the practice as at week commencing 25 March 2024. All staff within the practice at that date should be included in the census return.
Claiming a QI allowance Payment
The reflective report and online training module will be available from 9am on 19 April 2024 on Turas at:
Quality Improvement Activity | Turas | Learn (
and should be completed in time for the end of the current QI cycle on 30 July 2025. The practice level workforce census will be emailed directly to practices on 1 May 2024 and should
be completed by 12 June 2024. On completion of all relevant QI activity those dentists eligible for a QI allowance payment should ensure that they download their Turas completion certificates. A
claim for the QI payment must be submitted within 6 months of completing the QI activity. Practitioner Services are working at present on an appropriate claim form. Once Practitioner Services have completed the claim forms they will make them available through a separate communication.
As you can see the QI activity is more of a team based approach rather just dentist focused. Access to the QI activity will be hosted through Turas. These activities are appropriate for both GDS and PDS dental teams. Please keep an eye on the Turas Learn page on QI Activity for the latest updates. This can be found at: