What we do

NES plays an important role in improving the health of the population and reducing health inequalities in our communities.
By attracting people to careers in health and social care, we can create jobs and boost the economy. Our work programmes ensure that those who work in health, social care and social work are skilled, confident, and motivated to continually improve outcomes for people. We promote and uphold human rights through our education and training and provide challenge where these are not being upheld.
We listen to the people who use our services and design our activities in partnership with them.
We recognise the challenges being experienced across the health and social care sector as Scotland's population ages and we recover from the impact of the pandemic. The need to balance increased and changing health and social care needs alongside the availability of workforce and finance means it has never been more important to find new ways of supporting staff wellbeing, working in local communities, and to innovate, using technology, data, information and intelligence to find better solutions.
To meet these challenges, we will work in partnership, demonstrating curiosity, agility and a focus on the future and what we can do collectively to support the health and social care sector in developing a workforce with the right skills, education, knowledge, and wellbeing to reduce health inequalities and deliver improved outcomes for the people of Scotland.