Take Part in the 2022 National Training Survey

The General Medical Council’s (GMC) 2022 national training survey is open from 22 March to 3 May.

The survey gives trainees and trainers an opportunity to share their views on postgraduate training in the UK.
The results give the GMC, medical education bodies, and employers the data they need to check that trainees are receiving high-quality training, and that trainers are supported in their roles. This year’s survey will also provide vital information about the ongoing impact of the pandemic on doctors’ progression, work, and wellbeing.
If you’re eligible to complete the survey, you’ll receive an email from the GMC inviting you to take part. You can fill it in on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer; and you can save and return to your answers at several points.
Complete your survey today by logging in to your GMC Online account or visit www.gmc-uk.org/nts for more information about how your answers drive change.