Scottish Medical Education Research and Innovation Annual Report 2022

In their report for the UK General Medical Council in 2019, Michael West and the late Denise Coia clarified the link between safe and healthy doctors and safe patient care.

Our current annual report demonstrates the value of an integrated organisational approach to research and innovation. On the one hand, we celebrate work looking at how we can improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce, the culture and management of the places we work and learn. On the other, we showcase work on safety, highlighting how safe system design needs us to understand and take account of the workforce as the central resource of healthcare – always about people, for people, by people.
NES has a record of being on point with work we support and deliver ourselves and with partner organisations. No surprise, then, that this report contains summaries of excellent research, innovation and evaluation.
Please read the report here: MedRIG Annual Report 2022