
Executive Medical Director
I am delighted to have taken up the role of Executive Medical Director at NHS education for Scotland and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to supporting teams across Scotland to develop; deliver and sustain excellent education delivery aligned to high quality clinical care.
This week saw delivery of an excellent multi-professional Education Conference delivered wholly online with over 1800 participants. In this month’s brief, we introduce the outputs of our joint working with Scotland’s Health Boards to improve support to trainees returning from absence so when the time comes to return the experience is as supportive and positive as possible. Focussing firstly on planned absences, such as a career break, we have developed new resources to support early conversations between trainers and trainees to ease the return of trainees to the training environment help individuals to adjust. Please have a look at the resources and let us know if they are helpful.
We then take the opportunity to remind you that The General Medical Council’s (GMC) 2022 National Training Survey opens for responses from 22 March to 3 May, giving trainees and trainers an opportunity to share their views on postgraduate medical training in Scotland. Your responses are really important, allowing excellent training to be acknowledged and improvements to be made where standards are not being met.
Hot off the press - the GMC launched a consultation on the 27th April on the updates to Good Medical Practice, I would encourage all of you to have a look and if possible to participate in the process. Our consultation on the future of Good medical practice 27042022 - GMC (
Quality improvement is synonymous with safe effective care and the Why Test Study is an exciting opportunity for trainees, GPs and allied health professionals to deliver a quality improvement initiative in their workplace The study will also provide valuable research experience and we give details on how to apply.
We also feature the 2022 Scottish Medical Education Research and Innovation Annual Report that summarises the wealth of excellent research, innovation and evaluation work taking place in Scotland and demonstrates our commitment to improving education to benefit both learners, trainers and patients.
In closing we have a further update from the Support Around Death team with news of their resources and events.
If you have work you would like to highlight in the newsletter contact us.
I hope you are able to take some down time as we come in to the summer months, remember looking after yourself is critical when you are looking after other. I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming months.
Dr Emma Watson
Executive Medical Director NHS Education for Scotland

Executive Medical Director