NES Websites

NES Websites
The Scotland Deanery Website
The Scotland Deanery, along with our Local Education Providers, is responsible for managing Medical Training and Training Programmes across the four Scottish regions. Here you’ll also find details of the Deanery’s Quality Management activities, its key staff and locations plus information on Professional Development for doctors.

Scottish Medical Training
This site is the principal resource to learn more about how to apply for Foundation, Core and Specialty Medical Training in Scotland. Here you’ll find regularly updated information about application windows (how and when to apply), a directory of 50+ GMC-approved medical specialty programmes and first-hand accounts about training from trainees and trainers. There are also useful insights on career direction and what it’s like training and working in Scotland.

Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR)
Designed for doctors (in both Primary and Secondary Care) working and training in Scotland, for their Appraisal and Revalidation needs. SOAR is used by Appraisers and Appraisees to aid the appraisal process, and for Trainees to complete their self-declarations. Here you’ll also find a SOAR user guide, handy FAQ’s and examples of Quality Improvement Activities.

Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network
This website provides information and resources relating to the Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network (CSMEN) which was established in 2007 to support excellence in clinical skills education.
The focus has been on improving patient safety and clinical outcomes by supporting access to high quality, multi-professional skills training and clinical simulation across all geographical areas of Scotland.
CSMEN develops online educational resources, manages and deploys a Mobile Skills Unit (MSU) which provides state of the art simulation facilities for remote and rural healthcare practitioners and has built a national network of healthcare educators and practitioners.
We connect people and organisations involved in health and social care to enable collaboration for a "Once for Scotland" approach to skills and simulation-based learning.

NES Websites