2022 iMatter survey for Doctors and Dentists in Training and Clinical Fellows

This is to inform you about the 2022 iMatter survey for Doctors and Dentists in Training and Clinical Fellows. The survey will begin soon, but, depending on your Board, you’ll be asked to complete it at different times:
- Week beginning 26th Sept 2022: NHS Borders, NHS Western Isles, NHS GGC
- Week beginning 3rd October 2022: NHS Lothian, NHS Orkney, NHS Shetland, NHS State Hospital, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, NHS Tayside, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Grampian
- Week beginning 31st October 2022: NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Highland, NES, NHS Fife, Golden Jubilee Foundation
You will receive an email from a company called Webropol containing a link to the survey. If you don’t get the email, please check your spam / clutter folder.
Please note that GP Trainees in GP Practices and Dental Vocational Trainees in Dental Practices will not be included in the iMatter survey. This is because Practices do not participate in the iMatter process.

What is iMatter?
iMatter is an established tool designed with staff to help individuals, teams and organisations understand, measure and improve staff experience.
What will be the benefit for me in taking part?
You have the chance to feed back and to influence change and improvement in your workplace. You can make things better for the next group of trainees, and the trainees you are going to replace can make things better for you.
What will the benefit be for patients and service users?
All the evidence shows that the better the experience of staff at work, the better the experience of patients, clients, service users and their families. By focusing on your experience at work, iMatter will also help to improve their experience.
What about other Staff Surveys?
iMatter is different from other Staff Surveys, such as the GMC National Training Survey, the Scottish Trainee Survey, and the National Dental Specialty Trainee Survey. iMatter is run at team level and results will be reported in teams. It complements other Staff Surveys by allowing you, in your teams, to understand the issues that matter most to you more clearly and work on these together.