
NES Medical Director
Welcome to this edition of the Scotland Deanery Newsletter and some highlights of what is happening in the Deanery.
First off, we give advance notification of the 2022 NES Annual Conference. This is two days where you can catch-up with what’s new and where we are working to provide excellent education and training for Scotland’s health and social care workforce.
Next up, we present a very interesting piece on safety investigation and explore some of the pitfalls, to be avoided. A fascinating read that underlines the need for learning and preparation. We then signpost you to the Scotland Deanery events section and details of an exciting opportunity to join our rural surgical fellowship programme and benefit from the broad based training and skills required for rural district hospitals.
The GMC national trainee survey is of immense value to all trainees, trainers and the Deanery.
The GMC national trainee survey is of immense value to all trainees, trainers and the Deanery. You will find an introduction to the 2021 results and links to the GMC survey web site, if you wish you can explore the results in more detail. Our teams in the Deanery are currently working with the data ahead of a more detailed review, with stakeholders, that will further inform our work.
In finishing-up we give more details of our Bereavement-related educational resources and events, together with details of the upcoming DEMEC 2021 being held in Manchester, in December. The programme for DEMEC looks outstanding. The topical keynote address by Professor Chris Whitty should be captivating and the opportunity to hear from globally recognised medical educators should be not be missed, either in person or virtually.
I hope you enjoy this edition.
Professor Stewart Irvine

NES Medical Director