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Changes to the Scottish Training Survey


Changes to the Scottish Training Survey

The Scottish Training Survey (STS) began in 2013 and has seen many changes over the years. The driving aim of the survey is to produce robust indicators of training across Scotland to inform quality management of posts and programmes. An additional benefit of the STS is that is allows us to capture data for each training post undertaken by a trainee across a year rather than at one point during the training year.  

As the survey has developed additional questions have been included to gather information on trainee wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion. We continue to review the questions and this year we are adding a number of new questions that will appear from June onwards. They cover areas such as discrimination, sexual harassment, sustainability, interactions with physician associates or anaesthetic assistants and overall satisfaction with your training post. We’ve also introduced some additional guidance related to the freetext comments process and how we investigate them. 

The main purpose of the STS is to inform the quality management process undertaken by the Deanery and all our STS results are published on an annual basis on our website,  

Please be assured that we value and appreciate the time taken to complete the survey and are grateful to receive the information we do so please continue to do so. 

Further articles will appear in the newsletter highlighting actions taken following feedback in the coming issues. 

Changes to the Scottish Training Survey