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New online app for Out of programme applications


New online app for Out of programme applications

Launched 25 November 2024

New online app for Out of programme applications – Launched 25 November 2024

As part of the Scotland Deanery’s ongoing improvement work, we have developed a new online application within Turas to allow doctors in training to apply online for Out of Programme and allow authorisers to approve online.  This has been developed to improve user experiences, to make applying for out of programme easier for our doctors in training and to make the approval process easier for our authorisers.   

The most significant change is that doctors in training will no longer need to submit a paper form and will no longer require approval from their current educational supervisor. Doctors in training will still be required to have these offline conversations, and these conversations must happen prior to submitting an online application. Doctors in training will then be required to submit an online application via Turas which will require Programme Director approval (TPD/FPD) and Postgraduate Dean or nominated deputy approval (i.e. deputy dean, APGD, AD).  

From the 25 November 2024, when the new system launched, the My Turas home page may look slightly different. A tile is displayed called training programme applications and within this there will be sub tiles, one for out of programme and one for study leave. 

The new OOP application is very similar to the current Study Leave application and is situated within the same area in Turas. We hope that being similar that it will make the experience easier for our users.  


What do I need to do if I want to apply for Out of programme?

Firstly, you should have a conversation with your programme director to discuss the proposed OOP application and whether they would be supportive.

Secondly you should visit the Scotland Deanery website which provides lots of information, including the evidence requirements as part of an OOP application. Please ensure you provide all the required evidence otherwise you application will be unable to be processed and will be returned to you. A full list of evidence requirements is detailed here

And finally, submit your application within training programme applications on Turas. It is important that your details are up to date on your trainee details page within training programme management as this will be linked to any application you submit.

Out of programme applications can take some time to progress due to the various evidence requirements therefore doctors in training should submit applications 6 months in advance. Health boards require a minimum of three month notice of doctors in training going OOP therefore any late applications will only be processed at the discretion of our dean approvers which is why we strongly encourage applicants to submit six months in advance otherwise the application may not be approved.

New online app for Out of programme applications

Launched 25 November 2024