CSMEN Update on Simulation Training for medical trainees
Working closely with the Simulation APGDs we have continued implementation of the national simulation strategies for trainees across Scotland.
Several new simulation training courses have been developed and piloted this training year, providing curriculum-mapped simulation training across an increased number of specialties.
Key figures for the 2023/24 training year:
Featured New Courses
Anaesthetics Initial Assessment of Competency (IAC) Simulation Day
This one-day course led by regional faculty gives trainees the chance to rehearse the initial response and management of some common anaesthetic emergencies in a safe environment.
We asked the trainees to tell us three things they liked about the course, here is some of the feedback we received -
“All scenarios really relevant to us and our training.”
“All highlighted a structured approach which will hopefully help us feel a bit less anxious about dealing with difficult situations.”
“Atmosphere friendly so we were able to ask questions”
“Excellent safe learning environment and faculty”
“Lots of hands-on experience and a relaxed learning environment”
Scottish Inter-facility Transfer (ShIFT) Course
This one-day course for anaesthetics trainees and intensive care nurses aims to prepare trainees for inter hospital transfers, focussing on improving safety and performance in this area. The simulation scenarios make use of an ambulance and paramedic faculty to give a realistic environment of patient transfers in hospital. So far, we have delivered 5 of these courses, with plans to deliver more in the future.
In the course evaluation survey we asked trainees to tell us things they liked about the training day, here is some of the feedback received –
“Great to include the ambulance and involve paramedics and ICU nurses in the course - increased realism”
“Simulation was extremely realistic. Use of a real ambulance. Structured but also good coverage of lots of topics brought up by trainees. Friendly and approachable faculty.”
“Simulations were great and lots of information. The real ambulance and paramedic here to see things from their sides”
“Practical simulation sessions, familiarisation with specific equipment/environments such as transfer trolley and ambulance”
Scottish Organ Donation Simulation Course
This course runs in partnership with the Scottish Organ Donation service, providing opportunities for intensive care medics and critical care nurses to improve practical and communication skills relating to organ donation, with the support of expert faculty in organ donation including Clinical Leads for Organ Donation and Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation.
We look forward to these courses starting back again from August 2024 and look forward to sharing more of the trainee feedback we receive.
Find out more about Simulation Training https://www.csmen.scot.nhs.uk/simulation-training/medical-simulation/