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Across 2023-24, Medical ACT undertook a review of all governance documents. Terms of Reference (ToRs) were updated for all standard meetings and a new ToR was created for the Undergraduate Quality Review Panel.  ScotGEM Bursary application forms and the information sheet were reviewed by the NES Governance Team and a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) was created for this process. To ensure all timelines are met or any workload concerns are escalated in a timely manner an action tracker has been created which details all Medical ACT monthly tasks, deadlines, owners and progress. An operational meeting is held fortnightly to review, discuss and hasten any outstanding actions.

In line with the NES Governance restructure, Medical ACT now produces an infographic summary designed to update key activities undertaken, which is presented to the NES Medical Quality and Safety Group 3 times a year. The Medical ACT Risk Register has also been updated so that the format aligns with that created by the NES Medicine Directorate. This is reviewed periodically at The Medical ACT Governance Group (MAGG) meetings and if appropriate, risks are raised onwards to directorate level.

Governance and Reporting Structure

The Medical ACT Governance Group (MAGG) is an internal NES group which has responsibility for the governance of Medical Additional Costs of Teaching (ACT) funding. MAGG meets a minimum of 4 times per year quarterly and is accountable for the use of Medical ACT and the distribution of Medical ACT funds. MAGG reports to the NES Medical Quality and Safety Group (MDQSG), NES Medical ACT Directorate Apex Group, NES Medical Directorate Reference Group and NES Executive Team and Board to provide assurances around the allocation of Medical ACT funding and for its performance management.

Management of Medical ACT funding

Medical ACT works on an annual cycle which follows key indicative dates; this allows external stakeholders to work with the Medical ACT team, to achieve the operational targets needed to distribute and performance manage the funding.

Please note this is indicative only and is subject to influence of external factors including changes in policy directive from Scottish Government or delays in receiving data from Scottish Funding Council or NHS Boards.