Portal TV
Portal TV – have you watched any of our recordings yet?
Our recent survey on TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, highlighted a relatively low level of awareness of Portal TV.
We have been creating an ever-growing bank of recordings of our live webinars, to allow those who weren’t able to attend at the time of the live event, to ‘attend’ albeit virtually and asynchronously. They enable those who did attend live to watch again, either in full or perhaps just to check on a specific aspect of the webinar.
As a matter of course, we seek permission from all our presenters to record and make available a recording of their live presentations. Whilst not all speakers give permission, we are grateful to the majority who do so, and we recognise their permission by paying additional speaker fees on a yearly basis, whilst the recordings are available. Obviously, all recordings are checked for quality assurance and accessibility when they are initially made live, but we also check annually whether the content is still current and appropriate before continuing to make them available.
Each recording has its own TURAS Learn page, which can be accessed by the Educational Resources page of NES Dental CPD at:
The Portal TV recordings can be found by looking for the titles which include an “ * “. Each page sets out the Aims, Expected Learning Outcomes and Development Outcomes as required by the GDC, and in line with the COPDEND QA Standards for Dental CPD. This allows users to decide whether a recording is appropriate for them and their PDP before booking onto the recording via Portal. We therefore recommend that each recording’s Learn page is reviewed before using Portal to book. The page will also set out the amount of verifiable CPD that will be certified upon completion and whether CPDA is available for eligible dentists.
Here is an example of the top of the Learn page for Dental Anxiety Management:
At the bottom of each page is a standardised step-by-step guide on how to book and access a Portal TV recording, including how to submit your shortened evaluation/reflective form and how to access your certificate of vCPD. It’s also here that you will find the date when the recording is currently scheduled to be available until. Users will have 4 weeks beyond any published date to be able to watch a recording but, in most cases, you will have almost a year from when a recording is first published.
We currently have 39 titles available and have now had almost 3000 viewings of the various recordings. If you haven't already accessed these, we would recommend you browse what is available via the Learn page (as set out above) and check if there are any gaps in your knowledge and skills that these could help to address. If you identify something appropriate, you can then go to book by clicking on this link NHS Education for Scotland Portal (Portal TV can be found under iBooklet/Search for.../Portal TV).