Dental Professional Portfolio

Dental Professional Portfolio
NES has developed a free dental portfolio for use by the whole dental team. It has been designed to be a very flexible and easy to use tool, can be used to develop and record all elements of your Personal Development Plan (PDP) and is compliant with GDC requirements. You are also able to undertake a learning needs analysis to identify your training needs using the GDC template, and the learning needs analysis can then be used to identify CPD courses that fulfil your needs. This means you are able to record all the CPD you undertake in one place as well as your reflections on it. The dental portfolio may also be used as evidence for discussion at your appraisal and allows you to record any quality improvement activity you have undertaken, as well as recording any audit, SEA and peer review reports which you can reflect upon. A record of each activity will be kept in chronological order and you are able to view, edit and print them at any time. The portfolio also allows you to upload certificates, course outlines and documents, including PowerPoint presentations and handouts, from any learning activity you have undertaken. These do not need to be NES provided activities.
A powerful tool in the dental portfolio is the Share Pack function. This allows you to share any part of your portfolio with other people of your choosing. This can be your appraiser, supervisor, VT or core training advisor, or a health board or dental regulator. Only you can get access to your portfolio and can decide with whom and what you share.
To access the professional portfolio you will need to have a Turas account. Registering with Turas is free. To do so follow this link: Once registered you will need to register for the dental portfolio from the applications dropdown menu. Select the professional portfolio then select dental portfolio and fill in your personal details. You are now ready to use the dental portfolio. Each section starts with ‘What You Need to Know’, which gives information on the section.
If you have any problems or comments on the portfolio, please contact Denis Toppin at

Dental Professional Portfolio