News Bites
Dental Director and Postgraduate Dental Dean for NES
As many of you may know the Dental Director and Postgraduate Dental Dean of NES, Professor David Felix, is retiring at the end of this financial year. David has led NES through a time of constant change within NES and the wider NHS and has done so in a steady, dependable and open way. We will be sorry to see him leave and wish him a happy and productive retirement. His successor in this role has been appointed. Lee Savarrio is currently a consultant in restorative dentistry in Glasgow Dental Hospital and is Chief of Dentistry for GG&C Health Board. He will take up his new post in January 2025.
Radicalisation Awareness
Here is a link to Radicalisation Awareness training. The first course, Awareness for Health and Social Care Staff, is now available Using the following link:
Post-course Evaluation Forms
The look and content of your post-course evaluation forms sent at the end of an education event has changed. It is now delivered in MS Forms format, but it has the same function as the previous form. The feedback we get from you is very important to us and helps us shape the content and format of our delivery of education. Please take the couple of minutes it takes to complete your feedback form. It will also help you conform to your GDC vCPD requirements.