News Bites
Centre for Health Sciences
You may have missed it, but the Centre for Health Sciences in Inverness has been renamed as UHI House. All NES CPD communications will refer to the new name.
QI Activity
The current QI cycle started on 1 August 2022 and many primary care dentists have been asking what they should be doing to comply with the requirement to undertake their 15 hours of QI Activity. NES understands that Scottish Government are at an advanced stage in their thinking on what dentists will be asked to do to achieve this. Please keep an eye on the TURAS Learn page on QI Activity for any updates. This can be found at:
Quality Improvement Activity | Turas | Learn (
SDCEP Guidance websites
SDCEP has replaced both the Dental Prescribing app and Dental Companion app with new mobile-enabled websites. These websites, developed with NES Digital, provide app-like appearance and functionality when used on a smartphone, with better user experience across devices. In addition, users of the new websites will always be accessing the current version of the content without the need to install updates.
Being websites, accessing content requires an internet connection. Icon buttons can be created on your mobile device home screen to provide quick access to the websites.
Drug Prescribing for Dentistry
The new SDCEP Drug Prescribing for Dentistry website can be accessed at
All Dental Prescribing app users should now use the new Drug Prescribing for Dentistry website. As the app is no longer supported or updated, it should be deleted from all devices.
We no longer have hard copies of the Drug Prescribing for Dentistry guidance, but the full guidance can be downloaded from the SDCEP website.
Dental Companion
The Dental Companion presents 4 'toolkits' based on the following SDCEP publications:
- Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases in Primary Care
- Management of Dental Patients Taking Anticoagulants or Antiplatelet Drugs
- Oral Health Management of Patients at Risk of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
- Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children
Access to the new SDCEP Dental Companion website is provided at: